How to solve a 'which book should I read?' problem

Hi everyone!

I hope you are having a splendid week! Holidays always have a different aura. Reading a book wrapped in a blanket, a cup filled with hot chocolate that reads, 'Don't let muggles get you down', the trees outside swaying with the cold wind, as though enjoying the weather themselves.

It's just splendid. 

It doesn't snow where I live, but those of you who get to play with the snow and make snow angels, that's even more enlivening!

But the question that arises is, which book do I read?

Do I read a holiday book, or do I read a nice fantasy series filled with sword fighting and dragons? Or should just reread an Agatha Christie novel? Or you know what? I should just read a fun filled historical fiction novel.

Yes, I know. This literally happens everyday with me. 

Once you've selected the genre, just scroll down for some nice book recommendations by me! (So many of you have been asking for this blog for a while, so here we go :))

(No, as much as I would like to talk to you about it, I have included no spoilers)


P.S. If you're not a fan of fantasy, you'll have to scroll down a lot, because I have like 8 favourite fantasy books (not series). Yes, I am still talking about favourites over here.

1. The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

For those of you who follow my instagram account (@myfascinatingworld_), you must know this perfectly. I'm absolutely obsessed with this book (and the 2 sequel books).

It has everything one might need, a girl whose good at swords, the most ship-able enemies to lovers ship, hundreds of plot twists! And the way Holly Black has written the book, it is so hard to keep it down once you've read the first chapter.

A few quotes from the trilogy (which is called The Folk of the Air series):

- "If I cannot be better than them, I will become so much worse."

- "If you hurt me, I wouldn’t cry. I would hurt you back."

- "Father, I am what you made me. I've become your daughter after all.”

- "Most of all, I hate you because I think of you. Often. It’s disgusting, and I can’t stop."

- "If you're the sickness, I suppose you can't be the cure."

- "I hate him so much that sometimes when I look at him, I can hardly breathe."

Time I took to read the series: a week

Status: Completed

Age suitable to read book: 13+

2. The Land of Stories and The Tale of Magic series by Chris Colfer

No, this review is not partial. Chris Colfer is only my biggest role model ever!

Hahaha but the review really isn't partial. I read the book before I researched about Chris. 

(Blog related: Inspiration by Diti Sharma)

The Land of Stories series is about two twins Alex and Connor Bailey who discover that their grandmother is actually the fairy godmother in the fairytale world. The six books actually revolve around all the fairytales, of how they are connected, and how Alex and Connor save both the worlds from different villains. It really is one of my favourite series of all times. 

Every page is hilarious, full of adventure and magic. A perfect combination in my opinion!

I read it for the first time in fifth grade. I reread it this year, and enjoyed as much (if not more).  

The Tale of Magic series is actually a prequel series in which Alex and Connor's grandmother is the protagonist. The book goes back in time, where magic was considered a bad thing. Yes, it is equally good.

But, I will recommend you all to read The Land of Stories before The Tale of Magic series.

This series is the closest in my heart. The way Brystal (the protagonist) loves books (she considers her spectacles her superpower oh my god!), her fights for women rights, and how she changes the world's viewpoint about magic!

I don't think I've related to any other fictional character more. She is definitely my comfort character!!

Quotes from the Land of Magic series:

- "A villain is just a victim whose story hasn't been told."

- "Sometimes we have to be our own superhero."

- "My most educated analysis with all means of science and technology in mind is that it's magic."

- "Maybe greatness isn't about being immortal or glorious or popular - it's about choosing to fight for the greater good of the world, even when the world's turned its back on you."

- "When you meet the person you're meant to be with, everything changes-you don't feel like you're fighting the world alone anymore."

- "A flame may love a snowflake, but they can never be together without each harming the other."


Time I took to read the series: a month (the second time, because the first time I read it, all books hadn't been released)

Status: Completed

Age suitable to read book: 7+

Quotes from The Tale of Magic series:

- “Because if we want a better world, we have to be better than the world,”

“Revenge is a double-edged sword. The longer you hold it the deeper you cut yourself”

- “Personally, I think life is way too complicated for anyone's fate to be set in stone" 

- “Hatred is like fire and no one can extinguish it by giving it fuel.”

- "'We must pity the people who choose to hate, Brystal,' she said. 'Their lives will never be as meaningful as the lives filled with love.'"

Time I took to read individual books: less than a week (even during exams lol)

Status: Ongoing

Age suitable to read book: 9+

3. Fablehaven by Brandon Mull

The story is about two siblings, Kendra and Seth, who go to live with their grandparents for the vacations. They had never been close to their grandparents, but as they spend more days, they find more secrets than they could ever have thought of.

The book is hilarious and full of fun. The behaviour of different mystical creatures is so different that what we normally take them as, so it makes the book even more interesting! There are many plot twists, and the world building has been handled perfectly. I especially like Kendra's love interest. The series is definitely worth a read.

Some quotes from the 5 book series:

- "Fablehaven: none who enter will leave unchanged. Trespassers will be turned to stone."

- “Imagination can take you Places....READ”

- "Unlike her little brother, Kendra was not a natural rule breaker.”

- “Very well, my arrogant young adventurer. Why not test your courage? Every explorer deserves a chance to prove his mettle.”

Time I took to read the series: 3 months (I was a slow reader back then)

Status: Completed

Age suitable to read book: 7+

4. Serpent & Dove (series) by Shelby Mahurin

Where do I even get started on this one?! Just like the Cruel Prince, this ship is so ship-able! (I really don't know if ship-able is a word or not)

The love story between a witch and a witch-hunter? Yes, please!

Let me just read the words written on the back of the book.

A witch and a witch hunter bound in holy matrimony.

There is only one way such a story can end-

A stake & a match.

I'm screaming internally!! I loved this book so much. I read this book in one week during my mid-term exams. 

If the Cruel Prince is my favourite series, this is my second favourite for sure!

Some very beautiful quotes from the book:

- “I was no one's sacrifice. Not then. Not now. Not ever.”

- “Where you go, I will go. Where you stay, I will stay.”

- “Love makes fools of us all, darling.”

- “Why the f*** is everyone in this kingdom trying to murder my wife?”

- “Death couldn't take him away from me. He was me. Our souls were bound.”

- "'I've been thinking,' he said finally.
   'A dangerous pastime.'"

Time I took to read the book: 1 week

Status: Completed (quite recently actually)

Age suitable to read book: 14+

5. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

I hope you guys didn't think that I was going to skip this book, did you?

Now, before we proceed, I would like to tell all of you that my love for the book has nothing to do with the author. But, I really don't think I have any right to speak against her and her thoughts, so let's leave it to that, shall we?

I don't think this book deserves a description.

Harry Potter. The Chosen one. In the entire series, he fights the murderer of his parents (directly and indirectly).

Let's just proceed to the quotes, (my personal favourites):

“I am a wizard, not a baboon brandishing a stick.”

“I assure you that if you die, you need not hand it [homework] in.”

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good."

"Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have."

"When in doubt, go to the library."

"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends."

"‘The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.'"

Time I took to read the book: 6 month (it was one of my first series, so....)

Status: Completed

Age suitable to read book: 7+

6. The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer

Yes, I know. The movies are pathetic. However, the books are awesome! They really are.

In the movies, the protagonist, Bella Swan falls unconditionally and irrevocably in love with the love interest, Edward Cullen in less than an hour. However, in the book, everything moves smoothly and the story makes a lot of sense.

Don't get me wrong. I'm absolutely in love with Kristen Stewart and I'm quite smitten with Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, however, they movies can really confuse the audience.

Honestly, my favourite character is Bella's father, Charlie Swan. I cannot write down any of his quotes (they consist of a lot of spoilers), but he has cracked the best jokes of all time.

Let's look at the quotes now, shall we?

“Twilight, again. Another ending. No matter how perfect the day is, it always has to end.”

“I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.”

“You know, your mood swings are kinda giving me whiplash.”

“And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…"

"No measure of time with you will be long enough, so let's start with forever."

These are pretty much the best quotes which don't give spoilers lol.

Time I took to read the series: a month

Status: Completed

Age suitable to read book: 13+

Yes, I know, I haven't mentioned many mentioned many young adult fantasy books. I still have to read many. But, the ones above are my all time favourites. Let's move on to my second favourite genre!


1. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

If I got stranded on an island, I'd prefer to take this book than food. 

(If the island has fruits. Or that would be a very stupid decision.)

I have written an entire blog on this book.

I'll give you all the gyst. But, in case you want to read the entire book review, you can check it out here:

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn: Book Review

The protagonist is Francie who lives in a poor family, with her parents, along with her brother Neeley. 

At the beginning of the novel, she’s an eleven year old poor girl and when the novel ends, she’s seventeen, moving away and starting a new life.

The author gives a full-on background of Katie and Johnny’s family, which helps the reader interpret the characters and their decisions even better. The description of Francie and Neeley’s childhood is so beautiful, I cannot form words to express how much I love Betty Smith's writing style. 

The story gives the point of view of each and every character introduced in the story and that is what makes it so wonderful!

Francie is definitely another comfort character of mine.

Some quotes from the book:

- “Look at everything always as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time: Thus is your time on earth filled with glory.”

- On that day when she first knew she could read, she made a vow to read one book a day as long as she lived.”

- “Oh, magic hour, when a child first knows she can read printed words.”

- “As she read, at peace with the world and happy as only a little girl could be with a fine book and a little bowl of candy, and all alone in the house, the leaf shadows shifted and the afternoon passed. ”

-“I hate all those flirty-birty games that women make up. Life's too short. If you ever find a man you love, don't waste time hanging your head and simpering. Go right up to him and say, 'I love you. How about getting married?”

-“There are very few bad people. There are just a lot of people that are unlucky.”

-“We'll leave now, so that this moment will remain a perfect memory...let it be our song and think of me every time you hear it.”

Time I took to read the book: one month

Age suitable to read book: 13+

2. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Yes, another book with which I'll get stranded on an island.

The book is narrated by death. (This book has the most beautiful quotes!) The protagonist is Liesel, who grows up in Germany during the World War II with her foster family. She steals books, learns to read them, and finds comfort in words. 

I will not reveal who dies and who doesn't, but this book is worth the bittersweat tears, laughs and the cutest romance ever!

The quotes (I'll specify the quotes said by Death):

“Like most misery, it started with apparent happiness.”

“It kills me sometimes, how people die.” [death]

“I am haunted by humans.” [death]

“A snowball in the face is surely the perfect beginning to a lasting friendship.”

“She was saying goodbye and she didn't even know it.” (not me crying while writing this)

“The only thing worse than a boy who hates you: a boy that loves you.”

“How about a kiss, Saumensch?"

“One was a book thief. The other stole the sky.”

- "Of course I told him about you."

Time I took to read the book: 3 weeks

Age suitable to read book: 12+

3. Sita's Sister by Kavita Kané

If you are a fan of Indian mythology, you'll love this book. (Even more if you've read the Ramayana)

The Indian God, Vishnu, came into the world in the form of King Ram, many centuries ago. Everyone knows his, and his wife, Sita's love story. However, no one knows about Ram's brother, Lakshmana's and Sita's sister, Urmila's story. This novel revolves around their love story.

This book was very interesting. A mix of fiction and mythology makes amazing combo, don't you think?

“Let me hate you as passionately as I loved you.”

- “Grief demands answers but one doesn't always get them.”

- “Privileged did not mean special; just fortunate. And fortunes could change in a flash”

Time I took to read the book: 2 weeks

Age suitable to read book: 12+

I think that's it for historical fiction. Though, I will admit I've read many World War II books, but I've liked none better than The Book Thief.


1. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie

I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this book. I really don't know how to give a description of this book, so I'll just tell you the summary written by Agatha Christie herself.

Roger Ackroyd knew too much. He knew that the woman he loved had poisoned her brutal first husband. He suspected also that someone had been blackmailing her. Then, tragically, came the news that she had taken her own life with an apparent drug overdose.

However the evening post brought Roger one last fatal scrap of information, but before he could finish reading the letter, he was stabbed to death. Luckily one of Roger’s friends and the newest resident to retire to this normally quiet village takes over—none other than Monsieur Hercule Poirot.

Time I took to read the book: 1 week

Age suitable to read book: 10+

2. Murder Most Unladylike by Robin Stevens

My parents gifted me this book for my 16th year, and such a wise decision from their side. I loved this book so much!!

The story revolves around Daisy and Hazel, best friends at the Deepdean School for Girls (a boarding school). They set up their own secret detective club and are desperate to find a case to solve. They do get a case, but it is far more than they expected, the murder of their teacher.

Time I took to read the book: 1 week

Age suitable to read book: 7+

3. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

Ten people, stranded on an island, each with their secrets and one amongst them is a killer. Their only clue? A poem written in each one of their rooms.

One by one, their secrets spill out as each is killed, till there are none left.

I know, goosebumps, right?

As always, a splendid plot twist at the end that know one sees coming.

Some bone-chilling quotes:

“In the midst of life, we are in death.”

 “It had come about ex­act­ly in the way things hap­pened in books.”

- “One of us in this very room is in fact the murderer.”

- “When the sea goes down, there will come from the mainland boats and men. And they will find ten dead bodies and an unsolved problem on Indian Island.”

Time I took to read the book: 1 week

Age suitable to read book: 12+

4. Sweet Home Alaska by Carole Estby Dagg

This exciting story is actually based on actual events. It introduces Terpisichore who shifts to Alaska. It revolves around the families struggling during the Great Depression in 1934, and gives a great insight during that time. 
I love this book a lot. Terpisichore's passion for helping her parents during this time, her adapting to the chilly weather and small housing (and her name!) are perfect to keep the reader engrossed.

Time I took to read the book: less than 1 week

Age suitable to read book: 7+


This is a genre I don't generally read, but I have a few recommendations for you all.

1. We Are All Made Up of Molecules by Susin Nielsen

Parents getting divorced is tough. Remarriage is even more tough. But your step-sibling being your complete opposite is a nightmare, isn't it?

The story revolves around how Stewart and Ashley befriend each other after their parent's marriage.

The viewpoint of Ashley can be very negative and annoying at times, but I feel that it gave a good insight into her character.

Time I took to read the book: 1 week

Age suitable to read book: 7+

2. Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, Lauren Myracle

Christmas? Snow? Hot Chocolate? Light romance? The perfect book for getting into the season. The book is written by three authors, writing stories of three couples.

I liked the hearty and fulfilling romantic novel so much!!

Time I took to read the book: 2 weeks (during exams)

Age suitable to read book: 12+

Alrighty! So that was it for December's blog.

Before I bid you all goodbye, I would like to say, that I am very proud of you. I know that each one of you are going through internal battles that no one knows of. I know that you all are working hard for your goals, and I wish you the very best.

I hope that next year, you prioritise yourself, and do what you think is. Beauty really does begin the moment you decide to be yourself.

Made a vision board, decorate your room for the next year, start writing a diary, make organised plans. But please, never doubt yourself. Others have no idea about your worth. The only person who knows about it, is you!

If any of you wants to talk to me, or message me, I'm always available. Queries, appreciations and collabs, I'm here for all!

(The following is my gmail id:

Anyways, I hope you have an amazing year, next year! Love you all <333



  1. This was such an informational blog!! Most definitely will be coming back to it when in need of book recommendations!!!

    1. Means a lot <33
      I'm so glad to be of help! :))


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